Don’t Blink – Robert Frank  - NR

Wednesday Humpday
1 HR 22 MIN
Release:Nov 9, 2016
In Theatres Nov 9, 2016
Movie Details
Director: Laura Israel
Cast: Robert Frank, June Leaf

A thrilling documentary on the life and work of the groundbreaking photographer and filmmaker, Robert Frank; from his seminal book of photography, "The Americans," to his revolutionary films with The Beats (PULLY MY DAISY) and the Rolling Stones (COCKSUCKER BLUES). Directed by Laura Israel (Frank's long-time editor), DON'T BLINK - ROBERT FRANK is Israel's like-minded portrait of her friend and collaborator, a lively rummage sale of images and sounds and recollected passages and unfathomable losses and friendships that leaves us a fast and fleeting imprint of the life of the Swiss-born man who reinvented himself the American way, and is still standing on ground of his own making at the age of 90.

MPAA Rating: NR


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