Telshor 12 - The Exorcism
Please Choose a Time
2811 N. Telshor
Las Cruces NM 88011
(575) 522-4992
  • Advance ticket purchase available
  • Closed captioning devices available
    *Please see box office for available movies
  • Digital projection
  • Dolby Digital Sound
  • Hearing impaired devices available
    *Please see box office for available movies
  • Online ticket sales
    Click on the show time to buy
  • Reserved Seating
  • Stadium Seating Available
Adults 12-59 (after 4:00 pm): $11.00
Children 1-11: $9.00
Seniors 60 +: $9.00
Matinee (before 4:00 pm): $9.00
Weekend Prices (Friday & Saturday)
Adults 12-59 (after 4:00 pm): $11.50
Children 1-11: $9.50
Seniors 60 +: $9.50
Matinee (before 4:00 pm): $9.50

3D Movie Surcharge: $2.00

Prices do not include tax.

You must be 17 to purchase a Rated R ticket. If you are under 17, you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian 21 years of age or older.

Children younger than 6 will NOT be admitted to R-rated features after 6pm

Military Special:

Buy one get one free at any Las Cruces theatre every WEDNESDAY with valid military id. Not good for multiple uses. One ID per ticket purchased.  Does NOT include 3d films.

(One ID can get 1 free ticket with the purchase of 1 ticket only)

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